If you’re a more experienced user of the Library, you can search the catalogue in a smarter way to find what you’re looking for.
You can format keywords in the simple search to create a more specific search.
You can use wildcards - symbols which replace a letter or a number - when you’re not sure how a word is spelt:
use a question mark ? to replace a single character in a word.
The term Marrake?h will search for Marrakech OR Marrakesh.
Records retrieved will contain either spelling.
use the asterisk * to replace more than one character.
Cultur* will search for culture OR cultures OR cultural OR culturally.
Results retrieved will contain one of these terms.
Entering austen pride prejudice will search for all records containing the words austen AND pride AND prejudice.
Entering austen pride NOT prejudice will return all records which contain the first two terms but not the last.
Entering austen OR pride OR prejudice will return all records which contain any one of those terms.
Entering austen (pride OR prejudice) will return all records with the first term and either of the bracketed terms.
Use inverted commas “” to search for an exact phrase.
“pride and prejudice” returns all records containing that specific phrase.
You have the option of searching for words in particular parts of a catalogue record. To do this click Advanced search to the right of the search box on the home page:
Using the advanced search, you can specify that you only want editions of that work:
This would find you all Chinese editions of “Pride and Prejudice”.
Note: Not all choices are available in all catalogue records. Language, in particular, was not specified in older catalogue records.
You can also use the smarter searching tips in the advanced search, choosing which terms you want to search in which part of the catalogue record.
If you can’t find a record for the item you’re looking for in the catalogue, it may not be a printed item. Contact one of our team using QuickChat, or send us a message.