Following a cyber-attack in October 2023 our research services are disrupted. Please check the lists below for the availability of the service you need.
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Online catalogue Incunabula Short Title Catalogue British National Bibliography (BNB) |
Archives and Manuscripts catalogue Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts Catalogue of Photographically Illustrated Books English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) and OPAC Evanion catalogue Register of Preservation Surrogates Sloane Printed Books catalogue Sounds catalogue |
Electoral registers Microfilm and microfiche Parliamentary papers Physical archives Physical manuscripts Printed newspapers Printed books Printed journals and serials Printed maps Printed music scores Rare books Visual arts content |
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Digitised manuscripts Digitised books Sound collections The British Newspaper Archive |
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Requesting collection items, including advance requests Enquiries |
Adaptive technology CD-Rom access Printing and scanning facilities Reading Room PCs |
Available |
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British Library On Demand Images Online ISNI and ISSN services MARC and ISIL Teaching and learning resources WiFi |
Bibliographic Retrieval Service Ethos Imaging services and digitisation My Reading Room Requests My Workspace |
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